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Why diet soda makes you fat - why fare salt makes you abdominous

31-01-2017 à 17:07:28
Why diet soda makes you fat
How could artificial sweeteners, which have no calories, affect metabolism. A new 14-year study of 66,118 women (supported by many other previous studies) found that the opposite seems to be true. Study Suggests Link Between Diet Soda and Heart Disease. Their answer: it may depend on what kind of gut bacteria you have to start with. They fed the mice large amounts of sweeteners of all kinds and measured their gut bacteria and tested their metabolisms. To make sure it was the gut bacteria, the researchers removed bacteria from mice that had not eaten sweeteners, and grew them in lab dishes along with artificial sweeteners. In fact, it may be worse than having us all drink regular Coke (and the other food giants making diet drinks also push the same propaganda). Mice fed the sweeteners had definite changes in both gut bacteria and metabolism. They proudly promote the fact that they have 180 low or no calorie drinks and that they cut sugared drinks in schools by 90 percent. Women who drank one 12-ounce diet soda had a 33 percent increased risk of type 2 diabetes and women who drank one 20-ounce soda had a 66 percent increased risk. Mice and a very few people given artificial sweeteners for the first time showed distinct changes in the way their bodies processed sugar. The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered some frightening facts that should make us all swear off diet drinks and products. We are told it is all about making better choices. Watch Live: Committee Vote on Attorney General Nominee Jeff Sessions. And, of course, if we all just exercised more all of us would lose weight. Diet Soda and Diet Drinks Make You Fat and Cause Type 2 Diabetes.

Now over 35 percent of Americans are obese, and almost 70 percent are overweight. How Diet Soda Makes You Fat (and Other Food and Diet Industry Secrets). Lies by the food industry combined with bad government policy based on food industry lobbying are the major cause of our obesity and diabetes epidemic. They found clear evidence that artificial sweeteners, including saccharine and sucralose, can affect gut bacteria, which in turn affect how food is digested and metabolized. Their findings may shed light on why studies often contradict one another, with some finding that people who drink lots of diet drinks are more likely to be obese, with others finding they may help people keep weight off. NBC News works best with JavaScript turned on. There are currently no items in your cart. If we all took more personal responsibility we could stop this obesity and diabetes epidemic. Diet drinks may be worse than sugar-sweetened drinks, which are worse than fruit juices (but only fresh-squeezed fruit juices). Segal pointed out that bacteria in the guts of both mice and people digest compounds that animals normally cannot, and they could thrive on chemicals that would not normally be used as food by people or animals. They are food and diet industry propaganda that make and keep us fat and sick. How Diet Soda Makes You Fat (and Other Food and Diet Industry Secrets). This is not an accident but the result of careful marketing and money in politics. They then put these sweetener-fed bacteria into new mice. A new study may help explain how artificial sweeteners may make some people gain weight. If losing weight were all about the calories, then consuming diet drinks would seem like a good idea. We have been told there are no good or bad foods, that the key to weight loss is moderation. Bacteria living in the intestines and colon are known to help digest food, and more and more studies are showing they can affect obesity and even appetite, as well as a tendency to disease.

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